Prior to my shoulder issues which resulted in a disaster of the correctory plate being shattered on my CPC1100, I purchased a ZWO294MM camera, a set of ZWO Narrowband filters, and a ZWO Filterwheel with hopes of going mono and narrowband. This will help not only with light pollution issues as I would be restricting the bandwidth to only those frequencies, but the mono version also will increases detail and resolution. Many months later along with a shoulder reconstruction and some physical therapy, I decided to give it a go. So on 8-4 and 8-5, 2023 I chose the iconic Pillars of Creation as a target. The Hubble image of this amazed me and was part of the inspiration driving this hobby for me.
Image details:
Deforked Celestron CPC 1100 on a Celestro CGE Pro mount
6.3 Reducer
ZWO 294MM Camera
ZWO Ha OIII and SII Filters
PostProcessing was done in PixInsight
50 – 180″ Ha Light Frames
68 – 180″ OIII Light Frames
33 – 180″ SII Light Frames
Master Dark (50 Frames)