This website is chronicling both our journey into Astrophotography as well as building a backyard observatory for our family. As a photographer who dabbled in both th hobbyist side and also the professional photography side, I see this as a further specialization and extension of my love of nature photography in landscapes and wildlife. No, I will not be taking pics of extraterrestrial wildlife albeit that would be an exciting prospect.
I hope that this journey may in some way inspire you to keep looking up at the wonders above, continue learning and exploring with us. We also will have a small shop of prints etc available for purchase.
The picture to the left is of two flagged red spruce on Dolly Sods with the milkyway core rising. This was a single exposure taken with a Canon EOS 70D and stock lens back when building a library of landscapes. The exposure was 30 seconds long and the camera was mounted on a tripod. The wind was almost constant at 15-20 miles per hour that night causing the pines to have soft edges. This is the reason for the flagging of the trees, there is almost always a breeze from the same direction.